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Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98306 35065

Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata - 700063

Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98312 16575

Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata - 700063

Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98306 35065

5 Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is very common in men. The chance of having prostate cancer depends on several factors including age. There are some early signs of prostate cancer. Unfortunately, other non-cancerous conditions such as, an enlarged prostate gland or benign hyperplacia of prostate (BPH) may also cause the similar symptoms. Infection in bladder or other conditions not related to cancer can also cause urinary problems.

Warning signs of prostate cancer depend on its stage. If the cancer spreads to other parts of the body (metastatic prostate cancer), the patient is most likely to experience different or additional symptoms.

According to the best surgical oncologist in Kolkata, 5 warning symptoms of early-stage prostate cancer are as follows:  

Early-Stage Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Frequent Urination: It is one of the primary and most common symptoms of prostate cancer. The patients feel the urge of frequent urination more at night.

Interrupted or Weak Urine Flow: Interrupted or reduced flow of urine is a common symptom of prostate cancer. The patient may also need to strain for emptying the bladder. .

Blood in Urine: Prostate cancer patients may also spot blood in urine. In medical lexicon, the problem is known hematuria.

Erectile Dysfunction: Men with prostate cancer find it difficult in getting an erection. Erectile dysfunction significantly affects one’s normal sex life.

Pain or Burning during Urination: This symptom is less common in prostate cancer patients.

In addition to the above-stated five points, early-stage prostate cancer also has the following symptoms:

  • Pain or discomfort due to an enlarged prostrated gland
  • New onset of erectile dysfunction

What if prostate cancer spreads to other parts of the body? It is called metastasis of cancer. Prostate cancer, if not treated in early stages, usually spreads to bone first. It may also recur even after successful treatment in the early stages and invade different parts of the body such as, bone, liver, lungs or brain.

Metastatic prostate cancer produces some additional symptoms as follows:

  • Pain in the hips, back, shoulders, thighs and other bones
  • Fluid build-up or swelling in legs or feet
  • Change in bowl habits
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue that does not go away after having rest

If you are experiencing any symptom related to prostate cancer, you should talk to the best medical oncologist in Kolkata or any other city where you live in. The doctor will do physical examination and ask you some pertinent questions about type, duration, severity and frequency of your problem. All these will help the oncologist find out the real cause.

The doctor will also suggest some blood tests and scans – if he thinks it necessary – to diagnose the disease. If prostate cancer is suspected, the oncologist suggests scans to check if the cancer has spread to other organs. Scan and blood reports help the doctor decide which treatment could be more suitable in your case.

Prostate cancer is completely curable if detected and treated in early stages. Therefore, never delay if you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms. You should undergo regular PSA test after you attain the age of 50.