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Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata - 700063

Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98306 35065

7 Frequently Asked Questions about Breast Cancer

breast cancer treatment

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. The recent statistics show that the number of breast cancer diagnosis is increasing with every passing year. On top of that, many newly diagnosed cases are found in women under the age of 40 years. The scenario is pretty disturbing.

Fortunately, more people are now aware of breast cancer symptoms. Still, there are more to be done. The awareness should be created among the rural women. There are few not-so-common symptoms of breast cancer, which even the most health conscious flocks are not aware of.

Breast cancer usually originates in breast or axilla. It can start from the ducts, lobules in the breasts or in rare cases, from the tissues in between.

We will now discuss 7 frequently asked questions about breast cancer. If you have any other query that we have not addressed in this blog, feel free to post your comments.

What are the tell-tale signs of breast cancer?

The most common symptoms of early-stage breast cancer are:

  • A mass or lump (usually painless) in the breast or axilla
  • Nipple retraction and/or discharge
  • Dimpling or puckering of skin
  • Change in breast skin colour
  • Scaliness of areola/nipple area

However, having any or many of these symptoms is not a sure sign of breast cancer. Still, you should consult an oncologist at the best cancer special hospital in Kolkata.

What are the risk factors (if any)?

Though the real cause is still not clear, several studies claim there are certain factors that enhance the risk of breast cancer. These factors are:

Ø  Age

Ø  Obesity

Ø  Smoking

Ø  Alcohol consumption

Ø  Early menstruation and late menopause

Ø  Late pregnancy

Ø  Family history of breast cancer

Ø  History of radiation therapy

Ø  Using oral contraceptive

Can wearing bra cause breast cancer?

Though there are talks about the link between wearing bra (especially the padded type) and developing breast cancer, no surveys or studies has proved the connection beyond doubt.

Is it possible to lower the risk of breast cancer?

Unfortunately, there is no proven way to prevent any type of cancer. However, it is possible to lower the risk. Certain lifestyle factors such as, unhealthy diet, smoking, alcohol intake, obesity, lack of exercise and late pregnancy are risk enhancers. By avoiding unhealthy lifestyles, maintaining a healthy weight, doing exercises and adopting timely pregnancy, it is possible to iron out the risk to a significant extent.

How often should I undergo self-examination of breasts?

Doctors at the best hospital for cancer treatment in Kolkata recommend that you should perform self-exam every month. If any change, even the slightest one, is noticed, you should immediately seek advice of an oncologist to rule out the possibility of breast cancer.

Does menstrual and reproductive history play any role in increasing breast cancer risk?

Women with first-time pregnancy after 30 or having no biological children are at an increased risk of having breast cancer. Women, with their first period starting before 12 or having menopause after 55, are also at a higher risk.

Do cancerous tumours in breasts cause pain?

Pain or soreness in the breast, known as mastodynia/mastalgia, is often associated with pre and post menstruation. Breast cancer lumps are usually painless. However, if pain (with or without lumps) lasts for more than 3 weeks, it is highly recommended to consult a specialist.