Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata - 700063

Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98306 35065

Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata - 700063

Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98312 16575

Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata - 700063

Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98306 35065

Adopt 5 Habits to Take Care of Your Health During Cancer Treatment

cancer treatment

Cancer patients and caregivers should focus on some healthy habits for health improvement. After being told “you have cancer”, many people get lost in the thoughts that their days are numbered. The additional burden of worries pushes cancer patients to melancholia, which, in turn, adversely affects their physical health.

Though there are controversies if maintaining better health and weight can prevent cancer recurrence, the oncologists at hospitals for cancer care in Kolkata claim that overall good health makes it easier for patients to bear the side effects of treatment. It is truer for people in the advanced stage of their disease.

Importance of Healthy Habits for Cancer Patients

Wellness is a continuous process that is linked to some good habits. By sticking to healthy habits, we can focus on our physical, psychological, social, spiritual, emotional and environmental components, which together contribute to our wellness. When a person is diagnosed with cancer, many things seem to be out of his/her control. Besides health issues, psychological problems and emotional bankruptcy creep up to destroy the balance in life. By embracing healthy habits, you can have the full control of your life once again. It will help you sail through the long treatment process and may even ensure a better outcome.

Healthy Habits for Cancer Patients

Cancer patients can make several changes to improve their wellness, especially during cancer treatment in Kolkata. Moreover, these changes don’t necessarily need to be big; even small changes matter and create impact.

Eat Well: Let us bust the myth that healthy eating habits can prevent cancer. However, taking nutritious foods can help you stay strong enough to fight infection and feel good. Good foods also help to maintain lean body mass, boost your immunity power and give you a better quality of life. All these help you tolerate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, which are integral to cancer treatment.

Sleep Well: Good amount of sleep is very important for us. When you are fighting the ‘C’ monster, getting enough sleep becomes more important to help your immune system function better and keep you mentally strong and sharp. Cancer patients find trouble sleeping. However, you can follow some simple steps to catch good night’s sleep. For example, avoid watching TV late at night or start reading story books before going to bed etc.

Stay Active: Cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy, can strip you off your physical energy. As a result, you will feel fatigue easily. Therefore, you should do some light-hand exercises regularly to stay energetic and motivated. Following a routine exercise program will also help you maintain healthy weight. Even brisk walk for 15-30 minutes and light stretching will give you immense benefits.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption: Recent studies have claimed that alcohol, even when taken in moderation, can enhance cancer risk. When you already have cancer, will it be wise to invite further troubles by consuming alcohol? If you cannot give it up, at least, consume in small quantities.

Meditate Regularly: Meditation is an ancient practice originated in India. Practicing meditation regularly helps you stay calm and composed from within. It helps you rekindle positive attitude towards life and drive out negative thoughts.