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Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata - 700063

Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98306 35065

Gleason Score – What It Tells about Prostate Cancer

prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. It usually affects men after 50. Good news is the chance of 10-year survival for the patients with localized prostate cancer (i.e. the disease has not metastasized) is 100 per cent, according to the findings by the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Increased awareness, advanced and several diagnostic and screening tools, modern surgical techniques and other factors have improved outcome for many patients with prostate cancer.

These days, the oncologists use a Gleason score for diagnosing and staging prostate cancer. It helps the oncologists assess the extent and aggressiveness of the disease as well as to determine the treatment for the patient.

Gleason Score

Those, who are well-read and have interest in the latest research, development and treatment of cancer, may have heard about Gleason score. However, knowledge of even the most health-conscious people is limited to only PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen).

Gleason is named after Dr Donald Gleason who developed the grading system. From the Gleason’s score, a cancer specialist can figure out:

  • Aggressiveness of the disease, the biological profile of the cancer and the grade of prostate cancer
  • The stage of cancer and how far cancer has spread

For prostate cancer treatment in Kolkata, the grade and stage of the disease help oncologists determine the course of treatment for the best outcomes.

A pathologist examines tissue samples under a powerful microscope. The sample is collected during a prostate biopsy. The Gleason score ranges from 1 to 5, based on the appearance of the malignant cells.

What Does Gleason Score Mean?

Gleason Score 1 – It means cancer cells look almost like healthy cells.

Gleason Score 5 – Cancer cells look abnormal.

The score of the commonest pattern and that of the second most common pattern in the malignant cells are added together to calculate the final Gleason score. The score is also known as the Gleason sum.

Gleason sum of 6 or lower implies the cancer cells are less aggressive.

Gleason sum of 8 or higher implies the cancer cells are more aggressive and likely to grow or spread rapidly.

Difference between Gleason Score and PSA Test

Whereas a Gleason score is an advanced tool to help the oncologists determine the grade and stage of prostate cancer, a PSA result is used to serve the same purpose. However, they are not same and administered differently.

  • Whereas Gleason score is used to determine the grade and the stage of the cancerous cells in prostate, PSA reveals the level of prostate-specific antigen.
  • Gleason score is used after the cancer diagnosis whereas PSA determines if someone may have prostate cancer.
  • A biopsy is required to calculate Gleason score whereas for PSA, only a blood sample is needed.

Final Words

An elevated PSA indicates that the man may have prostate cancer though the high level may be caused by other factors such as, enlarged or inflamed prostate, urinary tract information. There are certain medications to lower the PSA value. Men aged 50 or more should undergo PSA test once in a year. The urologists and oncologists suggest that men should talk to their physician about digital rectal screening to get a clear and complete image of prostate. It helps in early detection of prostate cancer. When it comes to cancer, early diagnosis always improves the outcome.