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Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata - 700063

Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98306 35065

The 10 Best Cancer-Fighting Foods to Add to Your Diet List

Best Cancer-Fighting Foods

Foods not only fill tummy; they do more than that. They make us healthy and help us fight diseases. According to studies, some foods have anticancer properties. The best oncologist in Kolkata suggests that by adding some particular foods to our regular diet, we can reduce the risk of big ‘C’ to a significant extent. Read the article to know the 10 best foods that help you fight cancer.


Tomatoes are high on lycopene, an antioxidant that gives them the bright red colour. Lycopene prevents cell damages and kills poorly growing cells. Wilhelm Stahl, a Ph.D. professor and antioxidant researcher at the University of Dusseldorf in Germany, says there are enough evidences that tomatoes help prevent skin cancer.

Dark-Green Leafy Vegetables

These vegetables contain carotenoids and folate. Whereas folate protects DNA, Carotenoids helps cell-to-cell communication responsible for controlling cell growth. Together, these two agents empower the body to fight cancer in lung, breast, mouth, pharynx, larynx and stomach.

Cruciferous Veggies

Cabbage, broccoli and kale are cruciferous veggies. These foods are high on crambene, glucosinolates and indole-3-carbinol, which give a tough fight against cancer. These foods also have sulforaphane that purges the body of carcinogens and prevents growth of malignant cells.

Whole Grains

Whole grains have enough nutritional punch to reduce the risk of cancer by 21-43%. Whole grains are loaded with different nutrients and antioxidants. They are also rich in fibre, which, following their fermentation in colon, may form cancer-fighting substances. They are really good for preventing breast and colon cancer.


Garlic is a well-known cancer-fighting food. It contains Allyl sulphides, a unique antioxidant photochemical. The chemical intervenes into different steps of cancer formation. These compounds prevent cancer cell growth and impede colon cancer formation. They also boost your body’s fighting mechanism against lung, breast, colon, esophageal and stomach cancer.


Legumes including lentils, beans and peas are a big powerhouse of nutrients. They are a rich source of natural phytochemicals which are not as same as those found in whole grains and vegetables. These natural agents include phytica acid, protease inhibitors and saponins. These are very effective in preventing reproduction of cancerous cells. Fibre also cuts down the risk of colon cancer.


Berries are rich in antioxidant compounds. These compounds protect your healthy cells from cancer-related damages. They also stimulate your immune system. Berries contain anthocyanins, ellagic acid and other types of polyphenols. These antioxidants repair and reduce cell damages related to cancer. Berries protect body from different types of cancer such as, lung, esophageal, breast, bladder and skin.


Resveratrol is a plant chemical that usually hides in red and purple grape skin. The chemical has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The American Institute of Cancer Research claims that resveratrol inhibits growth of malignant tumours.


Lab studies at the best hospitals for cancer care claim that catechins, which is abundant in tea, stops growth of cancer cells and also reduces the size of malignant tumours. Tea boosts up body’s fighting mechanism against lung, bladder, stomach, liver, colon, pancreatic and breast cancer.


Flaxseed contains lignans, which keeps cancer at bay by helping your body get rid of omega-3 fatty acids and carcinogens. Studies find that these two agents boost body’s immunity power and reduce inflammation. Flaxseed helps your body fight against breast, lung, colon and skin cancer.