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+91 90070 87270 / 98306 35065

Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata - 700063

Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98312 16575

Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata - 700063

Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98306 35065

Tips for Cancer Patients before Welcoming a New Pet

cancer treatment

Pets are wonderful companions to spend your time with. Human beings and pets can forge a meaningful relationship between themselves. Pets are lovely and loyal. They reciprocate love and care. According to the National Institute of Health in America, interaction with animals has proved to end loneliness, lower blood pressure and reduce the level of cortisol (a hormone related to stress). Other studies claim that animals boost mood and help people socialize.

All these are some good reasons to welcome a pet to your home. But what if you are a cancer patient? Should you bring a furry animal into the fold? Well, cancer patients should consider some important points before getting a pet.

Constant Backup: It feels really nice to take care of someone even if it’s a four-legged friend. But cancer and its gruesome treatments may take a toll on your health, leaving you with not enough energy to pay attention to a furry creature. During cancer treatment, you should have a constant backup to walk, feed and take care of your pet.

Fear of Infection: Both cancers and treatment may take a toll on your immune system, making your body more vulnerable to infection. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claim that harmful bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites cause zoonotic diseases in humans. These diseases can cause mild to severe illness and even death.

Not all animals, which look healthy, are healthy inside. They may carry germs without showing any symptoms. These germs can cause illness in humans. The cancer patients have a higher chance of getting sick from pets’ diseases.

Due to all these risks, cancer patients should talk to their oncologists at the best cancer treatment hospital in Kolkata to discuss whether or not they should get a pet.

Here is a checklist of what cancer patients should do and should not to reduce risks:

  • If you have a pet, always wash and sanitize your hands before cooking food, eating meals, cleaning dishes and taking medicines.
  • Make sure the pet has been vaccinated recently.
  • Get your pet’s nails trimmed to avoid the risks of getting scratched.
  • Instead of handling urine or feces yourself, ask someone to do these with a disinfectant.
  • If the pet has bitten or scratched you, immediately wash the area with soap and water. Also make sure to report it to your oncologist.
  • If your pet has fallen sick, ask someone to take it to a vet. Avoid contact with your pet until you know about the disease.
  • Having a pet may cost you a hefty sum every month. Apart from feeding your pet well, you may have to pay bills for its regular health checkup and emergency medical treatment. With mounting medical bills for your cancer treatment, you should think if you can afford the expenses.
  • Getting your pet insured is a good idea. Earlier it’s done, less expenses you have to bear. So, don’t wait until your pet gets older. In that case, you have to pay a higher premium.

The bond between humans and animals is difficult to put into words. Pets always make you feel special and loved even in your lowest time. They are powerful and meaningful distraction from your stress, tension and anxiety. Talk to your doctors at the best oncology hospital in Kolkata to find out the right time to adopt a pet.