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+91 90070 87270 / 98306 35065

Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata - 700063

Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98312 16575

Mahatma Gandhi Road, Thakurpukur, Kolkata - 700063

Helpline No.:
+91 90070 87270 / 98306 35065

Weight Loss Curbs the Risk of Cancer BUT Avoid Fad Diets

cancer care

Generation Y is extra cautious about their weight. Though many of them go on some spicy food spree now and then, they take a very low-calorie and low-fat diet other times. Now the bug ‘size zero’ seems to have bitten everyone from young to old. With more researches linking unhealthy diets to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, people are falling for weight loss diet and exercises to shed their extra pounds.

Obesity & Cancer Risk

Healthy eating, which is a part of weight management, is also critical for cancer patients. Healthy weight and foods boost immune system to beat the side-effects of cancer treatment and also lowers the risk of cancer recurrence. With the link between obesity and cancer risk established beyond doubt, losing extra pound will curb the risk of cancer occurrence for the overweight.

Fad Diets

The popularity of fad diets can be traced back to 1970s when health conscious people started eating grapefruits at every meal to stay slim. The trend switched to’ shake craze’ during 80s. The 90s saw love for Atkins diets rich in fat and protein. The most recent diet trend includes healthy food intake and intermittent fasting as well.

Fad diets have surely become a big business in the weight loss industry, keeping it coffers tinkling all the time. However, if it comes to the result, they have not contributed much to making ‘SLIM’ dream come true for obese and overweight.

Nutritional Needs for Cancer Patients

Both cancer patients and cancer survivors have some unique nutritional needs, making it more difficult to beat weight management challenges. Certain cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation result in weight gain or loss and also reduce energy levels, necessitating temporary or permanent diet changes along with exercise modifications. Getting and maintaining a healthy weight is important to curb the risk of cancer occurrence and reoccurrence. You should take advices from your oncologist at the best cancer hospital in Kolkata about your diet plan.

Obesity, which has almost become pandemic, is cited one of the bigger causes of fueling cancer cases. It’s a big risk factor for several cancers including ovary cancer and postmenopausal breast cancer in women and also cancers of digestive system in both men and women.

Fad Diet Pitfalls for Cancer Patients

Both cancer patients and survivors should be aware of pitfalls of fad diets. In addition, those who want to lose pounds and keep their weight under control for overall health improvement may experience benefits of such diets only in the short run. Therefore, achieving long-term weight loss and management goals are most likely to remain as dreams.

Fad diets are notoriously bad for everyone including cancer patients. Once the diet is stopped, you will put on weight. Without any solid, long-term dietary plan in place, the dieters are likely to gain the lost weight back in a couple of years.

The dieticians from the best cancer hospital in West Bengal say weight loss is more difficult than gaining weight and weight management is more difficult than weight loss. Eating has both social and emotional parts. Therefore, a balanced diet should emphasize on the importance of behavior modification, social support and stress management. Fad diets are restrictive and so lack the necessary nutrients for good bone health. It may lead to loss of lean muscles, which will adversely impact your immune system and other important organs.